Log no. 1703151574

There comes a time when I feel sick and tired of being sick and tired. What must I do to change my life that would fix the things that I am doing wrong? What are the mistakes that I do daily, that I must fix for my life to be better? I have to figure this out, otherwise, “nothing changes if nothing changes.” What actions or in actions must I do? What are the right things that I must do and what wrong that I must avoid? I guess these are the million questions of life, that I find the answers to as I travel in the journey of life.

The magic sauce of life
I must challenge myself daily to be one percent better. There is no other way, than to do. To get experience and make the necessary mistakes to become better and face the necessary challenges. This is the only way. I cannot gain muscles viewing videos, reading articles. I have to take action! There lies the magic sauce of life.


Log no. 1703032978

I came across the following post, and found the article very interesting and benficial:

The post explains what Shuhari is:
Shu () “protect”, “obey”-traditional wisdom: The beginning stage is focused solely on learning fundamentals through repetition. You repeat the basic forms until you form muscle memory. In the shu stage, you’re not concerned with any underlying theory of the practice.

Ha () “detach”, “digress”-breaking with tradition: Once you’ve mastered the basic forms and can begin to innovate. You might branch out and learn from other masters. Having an understanding of the underlying theory, you might incorporate methods and variations from outside sources into your own practice.

Ri () “leave”, “separate”-transcendence: In the final stage of mastery, you can depart from forms altogether and proceed however your mind desires. Your learning no longer comes from other people, but your own practice. When you’ve reached the ri stage, you are, in essence, expanding the discipline.

and then provides examples:
“Understanding where you land on the shuhari spectrum can make the learning process both easier and less daunting-and it isn’t just for developers and martial artists. You can see how a learning model like this can be applied across all sorts of disciplines, practices, and creative techniques.

A new violin student begins by learning a specific song, then scales and music theory, before moving on to compose their own work. Chefs and home cooks will practice a recipe until it’s second nature, and then begin to improvise and iterate. ”

I found Shuhari facinating and I will definitely to Shuhari the next time I learn something new.

Log no. 1703005282


“Don’t be lazy.” Easier said than done! I am always fighting myself to do things, just as keeping weeds from the garden. Once I let up, I am down for the count, and like a champion fighter, if the figther wants to keep the championship belt, lift one’s self from the canvas and fight!

One way I keep myself from being lazy, I create a goal/task list. I got this idea from Warren Buffett. List the three most important tasks that I want to finish today. I will write them down in order of importance. I will not move to number two or three, until number one is done. I will not stop trying to complete number one, until number one is done!

I fould that if I do not have a guide in my life (a daily list), I tend to go all over the place. Do a little of this and a little of that and this and that, by the time I go to bed, I DID LITTLE to NOTHING! I also learned to be disciplined in creating a list and not moving to number two until number one is complete. I tend to want to move on to number two, even when number one is not done, especially when I face challenges! But I have disciplined myself not move to number two and continue to work on number one until number one has been completed. Doing this was very difficult in the beginning, but now, not as difficult, as I have become accustomed to doing one thing at a time!

I have thought myself, should I watch TV, I watch TV. Not watch TV, be on the phone, talk to family and friends. A much as I like multitasking, multitasking drains my congnitive energy. So I have started to just do one thing at a time and use the list as my guide.

And on that note, I am moving on to task number two… 🙂

Log no. 1702968518

Sunday… Monday – December 18, 2023 @ 11:02:47 PM
I was going to make an entry on Sunday (yesterday). I started, but then I was called away. I did not return until 1:00 AM Monday morning. I slept very little and was very tired they whole day. I felt very sleepy, even after two cups of coffee. I did not get to study or better any aspect of my life today, all because of the choice I made the prior day. There is always a consequence to all actions, whether good or bad. I will work in bettering myself tomorrow. I am going to sleep!

Log no. 1702771711

I was going to create another site with a new domain name, then I thought about the name of this site… I read this definition about being a small fish in a big pond from a Google search:
Is it OK to be a big fish in a small pond?
While it’s generally better for performance to be a big fish in a little pond, for some individuals, being a little fish in a big pond can provide opportunities for growth and development. For these individuals, being the worst in a group doesn’t demoralize them; instead, it motivates them.Sep 19, 2023″

So I decided to build on this site and make all my entries here. The last entry was on May 29, 2021 @ 8:36:01 am… If I am not consistent in what I want to be a master in, how will I accomplish what I set out. From this day forth, this will be my site to enter all my dreams, goals, and accomplishments!

I will begin my way of thinking less is more and start to remove things that I either do not use or does not bring meaning into my life. I have many domain names, collecting for each idea that I have had or wanted to create. The problem with this, I never complete anything and continue to start and stop projects, never following through to completion. I have also have many things that I have collected through my life, thinking that I might use in the future and not to throw away, the mentality of, “it is better to have and not need, than to need and not have.” The issue with this type of thinking is, I have become a horder. I have to clean my environment, to clense my mind. Cleaning my room has become a chore and very difficult to do, that sometimes week have gone by without me dusting or vacuuming. Just moving one thing here, then moving that thing back… what a chore. I envy people that have little to nothing in their home.


Steve Jobs – No furniture

Just imaging the discipline one has to have to not purchase or keep and hold on to their possessions, for no other reason than to have the item. I wonder if that is a subliminal thought, that I have something, when in reality, I have nothing.

Everyday everyday everyday

Everyday, everyday, everyday…
